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TheĀ Benefits Blog

The Benefits Blog provides expert insights, updates, and strategies on Social Security and Medicare, tailored for financial professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and better serve their clients. Stay informed with the latest developments and tips to maximize benefits for your clients.

Marriage Certificate Requirements for Social Security Survivor Benefits hey marc! spousal benefits surviving spouse Sep 16, 2021

Do you know if Social Security requires when a spouse dies that the surviving spouse has to present a marriage certificate to SS to receive survivor benefits?

If the spouse had received any benefits from the deceased individuals record prior to his death a marriage certificate is not...

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Can a Spouse Switch to Benefits on Their Partner's Record? hey marc! restricted applications spousal benefits Aug 30, 2021

I recently received my NSSA Advisor certificate and I have a client that has a question about social security. The client is 69 and his wife is 74. He plans to take his social security at 70. With the Restricted Application is she able to switch and file on her spouse’s benefits?

In this...

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Can a 61-Year-Old with Health Issues Apply for Social Security Disability? hey marc! social security disability insurance (ssdi) Aug 03, 2021

I have client that is asking questions about her 61-year-old father.  Apparently he had an emergency quadruple bypass back in May. She wants to know if he’s able to claim social security disability or will he have to wait once he turns 62 in December? Also, what happens if he goes back...

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Can Disability Increase Social Security Benefits to Full PIA? hey marc! primary insurance amount (pia) social security disability social security disability insurance (ssdi) Jun 09, 2021

My client is needing to get income now (64 years old) and just applied for SS.  He plans on working and making under the $22,000 amount so he does not subject himself to the earnings test.  If he applies for disability and is accepted, will he get bumped up to his full PIA?

Yes, if your...

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Can a Widow Receive Both Her Own Social Security Benefit and Her Deceased Husband's? hey marc! widow benefit Jun 02, 2021

Had a client inquire on behalf of a neighbor who recently lost her husband to COVID. The surviving spouse was told by SS that she in entitled to receive her SS benefit AND his because he died from COVID and they have been paying her both benefits since April.  My bet is that someone at SS...

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Requesting the Benefit Matrix for Social Security Survivor Benefits hey marc! survivor benefit May 28, 2021

Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and expertise in today’s meeting.  I just wanted to follow up with a quick note to see if you’d been able to determine the name of the form or report I would have clients ask for when they go into the office (or call in) that details...

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Widow's SSDI and Survivor Benefits Eligibility full retirement age (fra) hey marc! social security disability insurance (ssdi) survivor benefit May 28, 2021

Quick question regarding SSDI: I have a client whose husband died a few months ago. He was age 59 and she is 60, and they were both collecting SSDI benefits. The SS office called her and told her she’s eligible for an increased benefit based on her deceased husband’s record. Is this...

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Canadian Citizenā€™s Eligibility for U.S. Spousal Benefits full retirement age (fra) government pension offset (gpo) hey marc! spousal benefits windfall elimination provision (wep) May 06, 2021

We have a client couple who lived in Canada for several years and then moved to the US and have been living here for the last 10 years. The wife is a Canadian citizen with Canadian work history and Canadian Social Security benefits. She is working in the US and plans to work to get a 10-year work...

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How to Apply for Social Security Spousal Benefits hey marc! social security applications spousal benefits Apr 23, 2021

Our client was told by a Social Security representative that she would have to go to a Social Security office to apply for spouse benefits.  Is this true?  Are there any other options?

Spousal benefits can typically be filed for online. However, if your client is already receiving their...

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Determining FRA Start Date Based on Birthdate full retirement age (fra) hey marc! Mar 16, 2021

If a client’s birthday is 8/2/1956, is his FRA effective start date of 66-4 months in December or November?

Full Retirement Age (FRA) is the age at which you become eligible to receive your full Social Security retirement benefits without any reductions. The FRA varies depending on the year...

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