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TheĀ Benefits Blog

The Benefits Blog provides expert insights, updates, and strategies on Social Security and Medicare, tailored for financial professionals looking to enhance their knowledge and better serve their clients. Stay informed with the latest developments and tips to maximize benefits for your clients.

How Does Not Filing Taxes Affect Social Security Benefits? hey marc! Jan 26, 2022

I have a client just turned 62 and they haven’t filed or paid taxes in many years- probably 8-10.  My question is- How will this affect their SS benefits.  Will there be penalties? I know they have very little to no income for several years and I believe they may have been living...

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How Social Security Applies DRCs and COLA: Understanding the Process cola delayed retirement credits (drc) hey marc! primary insurance amount (pia) Jan 05, 2022

I have a client who delayed his benefit after FRA for 4 months which equates to a total of $60 (DRC) which will be added in January. His current benefit is $3,488 a month gross.  What is the order of applying DRCs and COLA or is this a simultaneous calculation?

When it comes to applying...

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Does Deemed Filing Apply to SSDI Recipients for Spousal Benefits? deemed filing full retirement age (fra) hey marc! social security disability social security disability insurance (ssdi) spousal benefits Dec 03, 2021

Wife is collecting SSDI, but the husband with a much larger benefit has not filed for SSB.  Since she has SSDI, does deemed filing apply?  Meaning she will get a reduced Spousal benefit when the husband does file. This makes me think that she can refile for spousal at FRA if she wanted...

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Can a Sibling Receive Social Security Benefits from a Siblingā€™s Work Record? hey marc! Nov 22, 2021

Do you know of any situation where a sibling can receive a payment off their siblings work record?  For example, if sibling A is providing 50% or more for siblings B support?  Can sibling B file a claim for a benefit based on sibling A’s work record?

There are no benefits under...

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Why Delayed Retirement Credits (DRCs) Arenā€™t Reflected Immediately delayed retirement credits (drc) full retirement age (fra) hey marc! Oct 13, 2021

We have a client who called SSA. My primary question is how could the client be getting the exact same amount of Benefit if he files in November compared to filing at FRA this past July. To me it doesn’t make sense but she swears she called three times. Three SSA representatives, and they...

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Do Surviving Spouse Benefits Include Delayed Retirement Credits (DRCs)? delayed retirement credits (drc) hey marc! primary insurance amount (pia) spousal benefits Oct 13, 2021

I understood that surviving spouse benefits include any Delayed Retirement Credits (DRCs) earned by the deceased. However, I found information online stating that if a person dies before age 70 after delaying benefits past Full Retirement Age, the surviving spouse only receives benefits based on...

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Why You Might Not See the ā€˜Start Your Applicationā€™ Button for Spousal Benefits hey marc! social security applications spousal benefits Oct 06, 2021

I ran into a Social Security situation the other day and I was surprised about what happened. I had a client who was planning on taking a spousal benefit and I thought we could do the application online. When they came to our office for our appointment, we helped them log in and I couldn’t...

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Maximizing Social Security Benefits: Widow's Benefits vs. Delayed Retirement Credits delayed retirement credits (drc) hey marc! widower benefit Oct 06, 2021

I have a client who is considering waiting to age 70 to draw her benefit. Her husband started drawing his benefit at age 66.  There are 9 years difference in their ages. He is currently 67 and she is 58. If she postpones this decision and he dies before she reaches age 70, is she able to...

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Marriage Certificate Requirements for Social Security Survivor Benefits hey marc! spousal benefits surviving spouse Sep 16, 2021

Do you know if Social Security requires when a spouse dies that the surviving spouse has to present a marriage certificate to SS to receive survivor benefits?

If the spouse had received any benefits from the deceased individuals record prior to his death a marriage certificate is not...

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Can a Spouse Switch to Benefits on Their Partner's Record? hey marc! restricted applications spousal benefits Aug 30, 2021

I recently received my NSSA Advisor certificate and I have a client that has a question about social security. The client is 69 and his wife is 74. He plans to take his social security at 70. With the Restricted Application is she able to switch and file on her spouse’s benefits?

In this...

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